
October 31, 2019 


            …when the veil between the two worlds is most pervious.
            This third and last of the three pagan Autumn harvest festivals acknowledges a time of cleansing and preparation for the darkness of Winter.  It is the most important of the four "greater Sabbats."  
            Observance begins at 5:39 p.m., sundown

Samhain Moon
(watercolor by CDI)  

“Be to her, Persephone,
All the things I might not be;
Take her head upon your knee.
She that was so proud and wild,
Flippant, arrogant and free,
She that had no need of me,
Is a little lonely child
Lost in Hell,—Persephone,
Take her head upon your knee;
Say to her, “My dear, my dear,
It is not so dreadful here.” 

Edna St. Vincent Millay